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Deeper Shade Of Blu
2016 Brown Roan Stallion
(Once In A Blu Boon – Jazzy Cat Flip, by Cats Rhett)
14.3 HH – 1160 LBS
Earner of $29,882
Transported Cooled/Frozen Semen available depending on show schedule.
This exceptional blue roan stallion stands out as a top-tier individual, boasting a solid pedigree that complements a wide range of modern bloodlines. His offspring consistently inherit his superior qualities, making him an invaluable sire who passes on both stamina and athleticism but also a keen mind and exceptional conformation. Whether for performance or breeding excellence, this stallion is a prime choice for producing versatile, competitive, and beautiful foals.
Pedigree Highlights
- Sired by ONCE IN A BLU BOON, $319,002: AQHA World Champion Senior Cutting Horse. Sire of the money-earners of more than $13,000,000 and 1,916 AQHA points, including ALL SPICE ($571,049: NCHA Horse of the Year twice, NCHA Hall of Fame).
- Out of JAZZY CAT FLIP, a daughter of CATS RHETT, the earner of $124,352: Brazos Bash Open Derby Champion, Memphis Open Futurity Reserve Champion and sire of 24 money-earners of $965,274.
- Family of STARBUCKS JAZZ ($117,842: 4th NRBC Open Derby, top 10 NRHA Open Derby), DOC WILSON ($124,614: 5th Arizona Sun Circuit Cutting Finals Open, split 5th NCHA Open Finals), SON OFA DOC (AQHA Reserve World Champion Senior Cutting Horse), etc.
Property of: Durrett Cattle
Career Highlights
- Ranch Horse Association of America National Finals Senior Open Champion
- Panhandle Reined Cow Horse Association Red Dirt Open Derby Champion
- Panhandle Reined Cow Horse Association Red Dirt Open Derby Reserve Champion
- Colorado RCHA Fall Finale Open Futurity and Int. Open Futurity Reserve Champion
- Colorado RCHA Mid-America Intermediate Open Derby Reserve Champion
- Western Slope Pre-Futurity Reserve Champion
- Colorado Reined Cow Horses Western Slope Show Limited Open Bridle Spectacular and Open Bridle Spectacular Top 5 twice
- 3rd RHAA National Finals Ranch Hand and Junior Open
- Top 5 Colorado RCHA Mid-America Open Derby
- 6th NRCHA Celebration of Champions Intermediate Open Derby
- Top 10 NSHA RCH Intermediate Open Futurity
- Finalist Idaho RCHA Open Futurity
- NRCHA World’s Greatest Horseman Fence Work Preliminaries Reserve High Score.
- Money earner in NRCHA, NCHA and AQHA.
Foals eligible for
- NRCHA Cow Horse Incentive
- Legendary Stakes (Reined Cow Horse & Cow Work)
For the full Black Type pedigree or Genetic Disease Testing results, use the buttons below.
Once In A Blu Boon | Peptoboonsmal | Peppy San Badger | Mr San Peppy |
Sugar Badger | |||
Royal Blue Boon | Boon Bar | ||
Royal Tincie | |||
Autumn Boon | Dual Pep | Peppy San Badger | |
Miss Dual Doc | |||
Royal Blue Boon | Boon Bar | ||
Royal Tincie | |||
Jazzy Cat Flip | Cats Rhett | High Brow Cat | High Brow Hickory |
Smart Little Kitty | |||
Scarlet Dance | Peppy San Badger | ||
Chiclynx | |||
Royal Jazz Flip | High Brow Hickory | Doc’s Hickory | |
Grulla San | |||
Flipped Out Jazz | Colonel Flip | ||
Jazzy Socks |
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