Quarter Horse News
May 15, 2020
Champion cutter Bet Hesa Cat has expanded his influence to another discipline and was recently recognized as the newest National Reined Cow Horse Association (NRCHA) Million Dollar Sire.
The Pilot Point, Texas-based association announced in early April the 2006 red roan stallion standing at 6666 Ranch hit the mark with $1,155,263 in progeny earnings. That ranks him 19th on the NRCHA’s list of top sires.
“It’s extremely rewarding to witness Bet Hesa Cat achieve the $1 million mark in progeny earnings at this early point of his breeding career,” said Dr. Glenn Blodgett, who manages the 6666 Ranch Horse Division. “We try to align ourselves around the ‘all-around’ type stallions and Bet Hesa Cat really fits that role.”

An earner of $272,000 and a National Cutting Horse Association(NCHA) Open World Champion for owner Bet Hesa Cat Syndicate, the stallion has a royal pedigree from top to bottom. He is by the NCHA’s all-time leading sire, High Brow Cat, and out of millionaire producer Bet Yer Blue Boons (by Freckles Playboy).
The $1.1 million the stallion’s sons and daughters earned in reined cow competition is about a quarter of the stallion’s overall sire record of more than $4 million.
Bet Hesa Cat’s top money-earning cow horse is Bet He Sparks, a son of Sparking Train (by Shining Spark) who won the 2019 NRCHA Hackamore Classic Open and NRCHA Derby Open championships with Clayton Edsall. The horse owned by K&L Phillips LLC has earned more than $198,448.
His second-highest earner in the discipline is 2017 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity Open Champion Plain Catty (out of Miss Plain Plain x Just Plain Colonel). Now owned by Kalpower Quarter Horses, the stallion bred by Kevin Cantrelle has earnings of $186,097.
No. 3 on Bet Hesa Cat’s cow horse sire record is Bet Hes Black, who has earned $138,242 for owner C Ranches. The horse out of Soula Jule Forever (by Soula Jule Star) grabbed the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity Open Reserve Championship with Zane Davis in 2017. ★