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Triangle Sales – Fall Sale

Date(s) - 10/29/2021 - 10/30/2021
All Day

Oklahoma State Fair Park

Please visit Triangle Sales for more information.

PhotoCatalogHorseHipYOBColorSexSireDamDams SireConsignor
PDFPending/Shes A Spoonfull112019Red RoanfillyTwo Time The PeptoShes A SpoonfullHes A Peptospoonful6666 Ranch, Agent
PDFShes A Spoonfull122010Bay RoanmareHes A PeptospoonfulThree Eights BedouiniRoyal Quick Dash6666 Ranch, Agent
PDFPending/WRR Queen Hattie462021SorrelcoltNatural BottomWWR Queen HattieTippys HulkDausin Cattle Co. (San Antonio, TX)
PDFWWR Queen Hattie472017Bay RoanmareTippys HulkWWR Gists King GirlGists Fifty KingDausin Cattle Co. (San Antonio, TX)
PDFPending/Vegas Courage502020Red RoanfillyTwo Time The PeptoVegas CourageCaptain Courage6666 Ranch, Agent
PDFVegas Courage512010SorrelmareCaptain CourageSeven In VegasSeven From Heaven6666 Ranch, Agent
PDFPending/San Kai 6121112020BaycoltRusty Gun 876San Kai 612Peppy San Kai6666 Ranch, Agent
PDFPending/Ms Peppy San Peppy1262021SorrelfillyBet Hesa CatMs Peppy San PeppyRey Freckles PeppyDausin Cattle Co. (San Antonio, TX)
PDFMs Peppy San Peppy1272007SorrelmareRey Freckles PeppyMs Peppy San HixHix Freckles PeppyDausin Cattle Co. (San Antonio, TX)
PDFPending/Stolis Dual1342021SorrelfillyNatural BottomStolis DualStoli6666 Ranch, Agent
PDFStolis Dual1352009SorrelmareStoliSixes DualDual Pep6666 Ranch, Agent
PDFPending/Tejas Lady Lynx1442021SorrelfillyThe BoonTejas Lady LynxJunior Pipe LynxDausin Cattle Co. (San Antonio, TX)
PDFTejas Lady Lynx1452010SorrelmareJunior Pipe LynxLady ExColonel ExcitementDausin Cattle Co. (San Antonio, TX)

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6666 Ranch
